EotL Guilds

Red Disciple Guild

Guild wizard: Cambot

Guild Titles
      the newly converted disciple
the janitorial assistant of
     Red Disciples
the janitor of Red Disciples
the studying Red Disciple
the inadept Red Disciple
the advanced Red Disciple
the adept Red Disciple
the experienced Red Disciple
the Master Red Disciple
      the Wise Red Disciple
the Aged Red Disciple
the Champion Red Disciple
the Grand Master Red Disciple
the All Knowing Red Disciple
is Ivr Kamba's right hand man
the Guru of the Red Disciples
kills with tiny movements
     of the hands

These practitioners of the martial arts serve their god Ivr Kamba, and their enemies are the Dustmen and Crusaders. Ivr Kamba has always been mysterious about the full extent of his powers and has bestowed many of his precious gifts to the Brotherhood.

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