EotL presents... Dear Reverend

Welcome to the

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Advice Column!

Let Reverend and his many incarnations (Minister, BigJamie, and others) answer those questions that get stuck in your craw!

This advice column is rated so 13-year-olds with hypersensitive mothers should not proceed any further!

Issue #0001
  Merry Christmas in July.
Issue #0002
  Do dogs really sweat through their tongues?
Issue #0003
  Vi lyubite zharil bi s etim?
Issue #0004
  We're too close for missiles, switching to guns.
Issue #0005
  Where do babies come from?

Do you have your own perplexing situation to reveal to the Reverend?

Dear ,

Ask your question here:


Please enter your EotL name (if applicable) for our records, please:

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